Back In Training…

P1000826ajpgSo now the recuperation is well under way, it’s time to get Mum back in training.

Inspired by golfing legend Anne Biggs, I realised that Mum is not yet too old to flog round with the best of them. So I thought the first step would be to take her to the driving range for a little gentle practice.

As is usual when there is a man trying to hit the ball over the back fence, Mum like to casually show them how it’s really done.  I didn’t dare turn my back this time as she picked up the driver and proceeded to address the ball…

Afterwards, we needed milk, so I dropped Mum off at the end of the road and watched as she walked the 250 yards to Lepton Food and Wine, where I picked her up (not literally!).  Apparently she could have walked further, as she felt absolutely fine but I fuss too much.  Perhaps tomorrow…


  1. Wow, love the form Gillian :-). So happy to hear all the great updates Susie….although how are you ever going to get her to obey…..gosh walking down the stairs alone was quite a risk. Somehow I don’t think she is going to change, all you can do is do your best and you are doing that and then some. So wonderful of you and Sally keeping such close tabs on her. Where are you traveling to in the states on Monday? Take care, Sherri

    1. Hi Sherri,

      There was never much of a chance of her obeying! But she’s not overdoing it, and I’m managing to drill her in the physiotherapy exercises so that’s all that matters.

      We’re off to Colorado Springs next week. It’ll be my first time in the States, so I shall be fascinated to see everything 🙂 – Although I’m not particularly looking forward to the flights!

      Hope your ribs are feeling better
      Take care, Susie

      1. Hi Susie,

        Have a wonderful trip to Colorado Springs. A beautiful part of the country and a nice time to go, the weather looks to be ideal next week. Hope you have some time to go sight seeing (not sure if this is business or pleasure) but I’m sure there are some great adventures you could partake in. Hiking would be high on my list.

        So glad you are keeping your Mom in line and on track with her physiotherapy. The rehab as you know is so important at this stage to give her the best possible chance to have the best results. Sounds like she is doing amazing really, so happy for her.

        Have a great time in the Colorado.

        Take care,


        1. Thanks Sherri. It is a pleasure trip, so I hope to get a bit of sightseeing in. We’re told Bryce Canyon is worth a visit.

          I couldn’t leave until Mum could dress herself and do stairs, so we’re well past that milestone. Good to know Jackie’s popping in to keep an eye on things (and pick stuff up off the floor!).
          Take care

  2. Susie,

    I’m not familiar with Bryce Canyon, but I checked it out and it looks beautiful. A long way from Colorado Springs, maybe you could work in a side trip to the Grand Canyon too, that’s beautiful also. Sounds like Jackie is doing a great job with your Mom and sure sounds like she is doing well…..4000 steps she said she took today, wow, that’s great.

    Ribs are better, I am going to give my next event this next weekend a go, looking forward to it.

    Safe travels.


    1. Hi Sherri,

      Crikey. I see what you mean. It’s a 9 hour drive away! We’ll have to see how the week develops. I’d love to visit the Grand Canyon – all the photos of it look incredible.

      My physiotherapist friend is very impressed with Mum’s progress but she did say I was probably pushing her too hard! Hopefully her own physio will also be pleased with her progress at her next check up on Wednesday.

      Glad you’ve recovered well. Hope you have a great weekend and really enjoy the match.
      Take care

  3. Susie,


    Have a great trip tomorrow and enjoy your time in Colorado Springs….I thought Bryce Canyon was a long way to travel but I thought maybe you were going to be driving for most of your trip. Colorado Springs is beautiful but there are so many other great sites to see hope you do get out and see some other things.

    What ever you have done with your mom seems to have worked well since she is progressing so well. Surprised the physio gal thinks you over worked her….haha I think your mom would let you know if that was the case.

    Have a great time in the states.


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